El blog muestra el trabajo colectivo realizado en el tema TEXTO del curso Sistemas de Representación I 2013-14 llevado a cabo en la Escuela de Arquitectura la Salle, Barcelona. El blog es la última actividad de una secuencia que se inició con la lectura de artículos sobre arquitectura contemporánea, que luego fueron relacionados con manifiestos de las vanguardias de principios del siglo veinte. La relación entre ambos textos se hizo a través de la creación colectiva un vocabulario de conceptos en el entorno de aprendizaje SDR: NET, y de aplicaciones multimedia desarrolladas con Flash. El objetivo del blog es resumir las ideas que surgen de relacionar el debate sobre la arquitectura de hoy con los principios de la arquitectura moderna. En las entradas del blog la expresión escrita se complementa con las imágenes y banners multimedia. A la derecha se encuentran los conceptos comunes que ponen en relación las diversas entradas del blog.

dimarts, 12 de novembre del 2013

Minimizing form of communication- maximizing the imagination

Andres Baldomero, 'evolucion' (typography)

           More and more the rapid pace of transformations is regarding all fields and aspects of our life and world surrounding us. It is regarding also a construction. A time of stiff systems organising the entirety of the life of the man ended. Architecture must undergo changes which directions are appointing spontaneous, grass-roots action. New ideas, ideas for ecological living, new forms of the public participation appear. They don't constitute the set of ready answers to questions troubling the contemporary architecture, but can be treated as hints. A contemporary architecture is an evolution of styles, of manner of communication, design, technology.

Sebastian Baier 'elance' (multimedia)

                    Projects are betraying the avocation of authors for the maximal reduction, but are differing widely from themselves. He depends for them so that buildings communicate with the neighbourhood- "Architecture with meeting place of people". In 2010 they won Pritzker- for justifying the verdict jurymen emphasized that the simplicity of the Sanaa realization was feigned, because precision and logic are hiding in each of them. An ability of the synthesis of all important components of architecture was appreciated: of material, space, light. The jury called economic and democratic Sanaa implementations, because aren't abusing embellishments, are always made of simple, widely available materials, and every part of a building is equally important, there is among them no hierarchy. The duet was awarded for the architectural directness - their buildings are pretending nothing, are hiding nothing through with spectator, are simultaneously delicate and expressive.

                      SANAA is opposing to typical labels on projects. Often, lines in their pictures are poor this way, that it won't be possible until the end to interpret whether it is part of the structure whether other element of the building can. Designers will leave the freedom a kind of in reading out structural parts of their projects. (essentially is to better solution, because the builder from the other part of the world can choose most appropriate for oneself, of region which investment is supposed to come into existence, in form of the structure.) in projects it isn't about top-down imposing the manner of construction but pointing out to relations of individual parts of a building with reference to the whole of the project. He is accessing the subject of the technique which is creating the integrity of the project here. The technique consists of many elements, which on completion are creating the process whole.


Katarzyna Anna Trochimowicz